
[9/6/2002 3:38:11 PM | Andy Kovacs]
"You've got a Methodist Coloring book
and you color really well.
But don't color outside the lines
or God will send you to hell."
- The Dead Milkmen (Methodist Coloring Book, Metaphysical Grafitti)

[9/6/2002 10:40:09 AM | Andy Kovacs]
"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception."
- Groucho Marx

[9/6/2002 3:21:36 PM | Andy Kovacs]
Top 5 Crushes (pre-college, non-celebrity)
1) Diane Wilton (Kindergarten)
2) Dawn Standfast (8th grade)
3) Michelle Pecorelli (10th grade)
4) Chrissy Bongiovanni (7th grade)
5) Shannon Mead (6th grade)

[9/6/2002 10:44:54 AM | Andy Kovacs]
Top 5 Favorite John Candy Movies
1) Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)
2) Canadian Bacon (1995)
3) Space Balls (1987)
4) The Great Outdoors (1988)
5) Uncle Buck (1989)

[9/6/2002 11:37:26 AM | Andy Kovacs]
The Really New New Work Week

I have no problem working 40 hours a week. It gets me out of the house, it let's me flex my mighty brain ("Do I want the strawberry Pop Tart or the Twinkie? The Twinkie is 15 cents cheaper."), and it pays pretty well. I don't mind it, but the weekends seem rather short. Take today, for instance: today is friday. The weekend is upon us. I would typically get home at 6:30 p.m. and dinner would normally be at 7:30. by the time we are done eating it would be after 8pm. We would probably opt to stay in since it's already late. We would watch a DVD and be asleep by 11:00.

Saturday would start fairly early for me since I need to get the dogs out before the dog trainer starts between 9 - 9:30 a.m. Tiff and I would then eat breakfast, I would shower and get dressed. She would dawdle for about an hour and a half before taking a shower. By the time we're both ready to do something it's noon. At this point it's apparent that the weekend is flying past us. We only have 36 hours left to cram in all the junk we'd been saying we want to do. Usually this has to do with a) going to chinatown, b) going to New Hope, c) going to Peddler's Village, d) going to the shore, e) going to a movie, f) going out to dinner, or g) doing laundry (which we usually put off till we go visit my parents). That makes for a very rushed 36 hours.

Weekends are supposed to give you two days away from work. Therefore, I believe that any day that you need to go to sleep early because you need to work the next day (i.e. - Sunday) is not a day off because the knowledge of the tortures of 'tomorrow' keeps you from fully enjoying the present day. That is why I want to make the following proposition:

Make the work-week Monday thru Thursday

I can work for 10 hours a day for four days. Some people on "Flex" schedules already do this. I think this would be a blessing because then we would have our full two days off and the companies would still get 40 hours out of us. Where do I sign up?

Of course, Mondays suck. They always have and they always will. No one likes working on Mondays. Waking up is always hardest on Monday because you know that it's the day farthest from the next weekend, and traffic is also the worst on Mondays (barring any unexpected automobile accidents or escape of various omniverous animals from the local zoo). That's why I say we should be able to have all Mondays off, leaving the work-week at Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. That's a bit more manageable.

I would work this schedule.

Wednesday, of course, being in the very middle of the week, is Hump-Day. Most people opt to go out for happy hour(s) on Wednesday evening after work to celebrate the passing of more than 50% of the week. Since most people go out drinking on Wednesdays, we shouldn't really be expected to come into work on Thursday with a hangover. It's bad form both on the part of the employee for having imbibed so much the night before, and on the part of the company for expecting the people to be able to work the morning after having drank so much (and we know as a fact that most people's jobs drive them to drink so much. take my old job for example. 'Nuff said. What a viscious little circle)! Therefore, I propose that we be given Wenesdays off, too.

There you have it, folks: the "new-new-work-week" is now Tuesday and Thursday. Works for me!

But then Tuesday would become the "New Monday" and, as we already discussed above, we don't like Mondays, so we'll abolish that day, too. So the "really-new-new-work-week" is: Thursday. And there's no way to weasel out of working Thursdays, folks. After all, the companies for which we work aren't paying us to not show up.

Now I just have to get Congress to pass this "really-new-new-work-week" as law. The tricky part is that I think they are already on this work schedule. Oh well. till next time,


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