
[10/10/2002 9:12:52 AM | Andy Kovacs]
Top 5 Robin Williams Movies (revised)
1) Dead Poets Society (1989)
2) Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)
3) Death to Smoochy (2002)
4) One Hour Photo (2002)
5) Popeye (1980)

[10/10/2002 8:44:48 AM | Andy Kovacs]
"Late night TV is very educational. It teaches you that you should have gone to bed earlier."
- James Dent

"If you really want to impress people with your computer literacy, just add the words "dot com" to the end of everything you say, dot com."
- Unknown (but I suspect that it's Dave Barry)

"Women will forgive anything. Otherwise, the race would have died out long ago."
- Robert A. Heinlein

[10/10/2002 9:06:45 AM | Andy Kovacs]
Good morning! To recap, the last Truth or Fiction stated that someone had placed tacks on my teacher's chair. The question was: was I really accused and, if so, did I really do it?

The answer, dear readers, is: I was accused, I didn't do it, and, yes, that was when my crush on Autumn Grovenger (that lasted all the way from first grade) officially ended. It really was a sad day.

Today's Truth or Fiction comes from more recent times (this is my way of taking it easy on you), the College years:

It was fall semester, my second-senior year at Rowan (September 1997). My roommate, Phil, and I had taken the same General Psychology course. The class started at 9:30 a.m. Since it was my last year, I was intent on enjoying it to the fullest. I had a new job at a womens shoe store that paid and treated me considerably better than my previous job, and I only had four classes. I was living it up.

Somethimes I lived it up a little too much, though. On a few occassions I would stay out late at the fraternity house and stumble home later than I could presently imagine. On the mornings that followed a night such as that I would usually wake on the couch to Phil kicking me telling me to get up now or I'll miss the class. And, as a sort of punishment on my part, I'm assuming, he wouldn't wake me up until about 9:15 which gave me a few precious minutes to slap on a hat, some deoderant, and, if I was feeling particularly sassy, some cologne and new socks.

One morning Phil woke me up a little later than normal. I didn't have time to do anything except grab my bag and go. We got to class and sat in our usual seats in the back of the class and the other students sat down around us.

Then the students started standing in their desks (the desks were the kind with the little attached flap that goes over your lap) and moving away from me. Even Phil moved a little. I guess I smelled pretty bad. But it was hot the night before, you see, so I smelled like a combination of sweat, stale beer, cigarette smoke, and I'm sure a few other things some industrial-strength cleansers probably would have had a tough time getting out of my clothes.

It was an eye-opening experience for me (and an eye-watering one for the other students, I'm assuming) because nothing like that had ever happened to me. From then on I made sure that, even if it meant going to class late, I would at least put on a clean shirt before I left the apartment.

So. Is this story true? Did I really go to class smelling like something pulled out of the dumpster at a really bad British-Taiwanese-fusion restaurant? The Truth will be revealed next week! Till then,


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