
[8/5/2002 10:27:43 AM | Andy Kovacs]
"Did you ever notice when you put the two words 'The' and 'IRS' together it spells 'THEIRS'?"
- Unknown

[8/5/2002 9:40:00 AM | Andy Kovacs]

If you read my Rants and Opinions page, you know that I was really looking forward to seeing Signs. You would also know that I really loved Unbreakable and The Sixth Sense. Did I meantion that I was really looking forward to Signs?

I was going to write a review of the movie, but I think I'll put it off for now. The reason being that I don't want to give too much away, the temptation of which is very powerful, and that I also think that this is a movie that requires discussion. Let me just say, however, that you must see this movie.

Signs has its moments where it is a little freaky and really intense. The movie itself, though, is very character driven, and extremely satisfying. The story is akin to movies you've doubtless already seen, but it is how the story unfolds and gets wrapped up in the end that is most satisfying, and that is what I do not want to give away.

It is good to see a movie that returns the suspense genre to its roots, much in the same vein as What Lies Beneath. It's a pleasure to see a movie that is as simple as this, yet so totally engrossing. It's refreshing to see a movie that can deliver scares and thrills without multi-million-dollar-special-effects monsters jumping out at the characters on screen.

I think you should go see the movie and then leave comments or email me and we can then discuss the movie. If I get to see it again, I will post more of a review, but for now, I will just tell you to see it and give it my second- **** rating of the summer.


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