
I love this page. I have always liked - but never really understood - the science behind the phenomenon of Black Holes. I still don't, but this website breaks it down to more manageable levels for us layfolk.

As a kid, one of my favorite movies was Disney's The Black Hole starring Anthony Perkins and Ernest Borgnine. The evil robot really creeped me out. The last time I saw part of The Black Hole was a few years ago at the Moorestown Pub (r.i.p.). I couldn't hear anything because the jukebox was playing, but it was good to at least see it being aired on tv. I need to get that movie on DVD.

Anyway, check out this page. It's really cool. Personally, I'd subscribe to theory 3, but I think that theory 2 is more likely (you'll have to go through the animation to find out the various theories). Anyway, enjoy!

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