
Greetings from AndyLand!

I logged on today for the first time in months, as you can plainly tell, and found out that Blogger now offers image hosting! I can now post pictures on the site, which is what I have been wanting to do for a long time now. I have a lot of pictures to share, mostly of my daughter, Kenzie. Keep looking back at the various pages on my site for updates! Talk to you soon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo Andy!

What's up? How is the wife and your cute little baby... I finally got a few minutes to shoot you an e-mail and sent it to your GMAC e-mai, but it doesn't exist??? What happened?? Well anyway, I am finally getting married and the date is October 7, 2005... E-mail me at oneprincessjo@msn.com update me on everything.

Joanna Alahverde