
We just got back from the movie and aside from the fire alarm going off half way through, the near race-riot and my daughter's "date" falling asleep, it was a good experience and it was a good movie. I recommend you go see it.

Hey folks. We're at...

Hey folks. We're at the movie theater getting ready to go see Wall-E. I'll let you know how it was later. listen

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I know I'm a little late with this post because it came out one week ago today, but is anyone else excited that Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition has finally been released?!

I've been looking forward to this for quite a while. I first heard of the pending release in February. Right before co-creator Gary Gygax passed away. I used to play D&D every weekend before I got married. I was running an adventure for four of my friends. It was very cool. We had a lot of fun. I'd like to start playing again, but finding time to play would be tough now that I'm married and have a kid. Still, I'm curious as to what changes have been made and would love to read the books. I'm sure that some day I'll purchase them and maybe someday I'll even start playing again.

By the way, if you're wondering what you could get me for a belated Father's Day gift, click here.