Well, if you're a conspiracy theorist, then this site is for you: it's called Serpo.org. The website is dedicated to the "gradual release of confidential documents pertaining to a top secret exchange program of twelve US military personnel to Serpo, a planet of Zeta Reticuli, between the years 1965-78."
I've been reading some of the earliest releases numbered 1-21, which are available for download in .pdf format here, and I've got to say, it's pretty fascinating stuff.
So far I've read about the United States' first encounter with aliens at Roswell (did you know there were two crashes at Roswell?), the decision to send twelve astronauts to Serpo, and an in-depth review of the Serpan homeworld and some of its culture. I've skimmed some of the later releases (22-27a, which are found by using the blue squares at the top and bottom of the page) and there is information in there about the Russians being paid a visit by the aliens as well as President Reagan having something to do with the aliens. I need to continue reading.
Even if it does turn out to be only well-written science fiction instead of fact, it's still a pretty stimulating read and I do recommend this site to anyone even remotely interested in not only the existence of extra-terrestirals, but also the notion that we have been visited by them on numerous occasions as well.
I suppose we may never find out the truth until we are ruthlessly and violently invaded, which hopefully will never happen. Until then, live long and prosper, friends.